Coffee helps elevate the mood
A study conducted by the National Institute of Health found that persons who drank at least four cups of coffee per day were 10% less likely to show signs of depression than those who did not. This has been attributed to coffee’s antioxidant content rather than a caffeine high (cocaine consumption can also give a caffeine high but actually increases the chances of depression).
Is it true that coffee may boost your brainpower? Consider this: you usually reach for a cup of coffee when you’re tired or need to stay awake. That jolt not only prevents you from falling asleep but also sharpens your mind and improves your reactions. According to CNN, consuming coffee can help the brain work more efficiently. Coffee consumption improves reaction times, observation, attention span, logic, and reasoning skills, regardless of the metric utilized. So, if you’re looking for anything to keep you awake on a long flight, a decent cup of coffee really is the best way to go.
Coffee is good for your liver (Especially If You Drink Alcohol)
In 2006, a large study including over 120,000 participants found that persons who drank at least one cup of coffee per day were up to 20% less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver, a dangerous illness caused by excessive alcohol consumption leads to liver failure or cancer. According to Arthur Klatsky, the study’s lead author, coffee drinking protects the liver, notably against alcoholic cirrhosis. The higher the daily coffee consumption, the lower the risk of developing deadly liver cirrhosis.
Other research has indicated that drinking coffee can help people avoid developing NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). A group of scientists from around the world revealed that drinking at least four cups of coffee every day can help avoid NAFLD development.
Coffee can help you perform better in sports.
“Scientists and sportsmen alike have known for years that a cup of coffee before a workout jolts physical performance, especially in endurance sports like distance running and cycling,” according to a New York Times story. Caffeine in coffee can raise fatty acid levels in the bloodstream, allowing athletes’ muscles to absorb and burn lipids for fuel instead of carbohydrates, preserving tiny stores of carbohydrates for later in the activity. Endurance athletes, such as marathon runners and long-distance cyclists, will benefit from this.
Coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
As we highlighted in one of our recent coffee posts, coffee lowers the incidence of Type 2 diabetes. According to a study conducted by researchers at the American Chemical Society, those who drink at least four cups of coffee every day had a 50 per cent decreased risk of type 2 diabetes. Following that, with every additional daily cup of coffee taken, the risk lowers by 7%, albeit with other health effects.
Coffee has tons of benefits, and you can never go wrong with coffee. Always ensure you get the best coffee syrup from reliable sellers so you can tap into the benefits.